Price guide to antique walnut boxes. Walnut became fashionable at the end of the seventeenth century. Walnut has a dense grain allowing it for finer shapes.
Price guide to antique walnut valuables boxes / coffers. A coffer or valuables box is a strongbox or small chest for holding valuables. Walnut valuable boxes / coffers are recognisable range…
Price guide to antique walnut music boxes including a Polyphon "Mikado" disc musical box. Other makers include Paillard, Reuge and Regina. A B.A. BREMOND INTERCHANGABLE EIGHT-CYLINDER INLAID WALNUT MUSIC BOX…
Polyphon Music Box & 48 Discs Coin Operated A 19C Polyphon Coin Operated Music Box & 48 Discs. Fine, working two-slot German coin operated music box by Polyphon Musikwerke of Leipzig,…